tak ramai yang tahu kat penang ni ada Jump Street Trampoline Park. menatang apa tuh? well, ianya se-spesis taman tema tapi bertemakan trampoline. menatang yang orang dok main lompat-lompat tu. unik kan?
kalau nak lompat, kena pakai stokin khas, untuk keselamatan. kalau tak nanti licin
korang masuk kat sini, boleh main lompat-lompat. tu je? tak lah.. dalam melompat tu pulak, macam-macam yang korang boleh buat.
Jump Street Trampoline Park Penang
kat sini kat area main court korang boleh try melompat dalam beberapa gaya dan skill. tak tahu? ada jump referee yang akan ajar korang cara melompat dengan penuh bergaya.
kantoi. aku tengah pegang dada sebab masa tu dah semput.. hehehe.. ingat main lompat-lompat ni tak penat???
selain tu ada foam pit, lompat-lompat then terjun dalam kolam span. terjun macam nak terjun sungai, tapi tak basah. dan macam-macam lagi court lompat yang menarik. lompat buat slamdunk, battle beam, tower jump, dan macam-macam lagi.
macam-macam ada..feveret aku? dodge ball court! sambil lompat, sambil main dodgeball. yang ni memang layan beb. layan, sebab masa kami geng #BloggerUtara main, team aku menang. hehehe...
starting main game dodge ball.
siap ada tournament kot. try tengok kat video ni:
style kan? kalau nak yang lagi mencabar, boleh try yang high performance court. trampoline kat situ special sikit, lebih anjal, lebih kaw! boleh lompat lebih tinggi. so, area tu tak boleh untuk budak-budak, hanya untuk dewasa je. aku dah try. memang gayat. dah la trampolin tu jarang, boleh nampak bawah lantai. amacam? ada bran?
so, jom try lompat kat sana!
review dari geng #BloggerUtara yang lain:
1. ArY+ShA=AmZaRFaYyAdH. (2015 Dec 1). Jumpstreet Trampoline Park Penang | Event Review. Kisah Kaseh. dipetik dari http://aryshafayyadh.blogspot.my/2015/12/jumpstreet-trampoline-park-penang-event.html
2. El. (2015 Dec 1). JUMP STREET TRAMPOLINE PARK PENANG | EVENT REVIEW. Arwendanish. dipetik dari http://arwendanish.blogspot.my/2015/12/jump-street-trampoline-park-penang.html
3. Kira Sakura. (2015 Nov 30). Jump Street Penang. dipetik dari http://kierasakura.blogspot.my/2015/11/jump-street-penang.html
4. Siti Nurzafirah. (2015 Dec 1). JUMP STREET, TRAMPOLINE PENANG VERSION REPEAT !. dipetik dari http://miamorzafirah.blogspot.com/2015/12/jump-street-trampoline-penang-version.html
5. Siti Yang Menaip. (2015 Dec 2). JUMP STREET TRAMPOLINE PARK PENANG. dipetik dari http://sitiyangmenaip.blogspot.my/2015/12/jump-street-trampoline-park-penang.html
6. Alia Farhan Said. (2015 Dec 2). Jumpstreet Trampoline Park Penang Review. Lady Green: a vanilla freak. dipetik dari http://aliafarhansaid.blogspot.my/2015/12/jumpstreet-trampoline-park-penang-review.html
7. Izzeyda. (2015 Dec 2). Jump Street Trampoline Park Penang. Emi Izzeyda diary's. dipetik dari http://izzeyda.blogspot.com/2015/12/jump-street-trampoline-park-penang.html
8. Cikpinz. (2015 Dec 2). JumpStreet Trampoline Parks Penang | Event Review. Cerita Orang Bujang. dipetik dari http://www.cikpinz.com/2015/12/jumpstreet-trampoline-parks-penang.html
9. Zai Zamree. (2015 Dec 2). Jump Street Trampoline Park Penang | Event Review. Belog Zai Zamree. dipetik dari http://storymoryluahanku.blogspot.com/2015/12/jump-street-trampoline-park-penang.html
harga tiket :
isnin - rabu : RM22 seorang (1 jam + stokin)
khamis - ahad : RM27 seorang (1 jam + stokin)
waktu beroperasi :
jumaat dan sabtu : 10 pagi - 10 malam
hari lain : 10 pagi - 9 malam
(buka setiap hari)
alamat :
JumpStreet Trampoline Parks70, D'Piazza, D'piazza Mall, Jalan Mahsuri, Bayan Baru,
11900 Bayan Lepas,
Pulau Pinang.
Tel : 04 611 9248
coordinate : 5°19'32.94"N, 100°16'56.38"E
sedikit info mengenai Jump Street Trampoline Park Penang:
JumpStreet Trampoline Parks are an amazing urban playground for adults and children alike, with hundreds of interconnected trampolines from the floor right up the walls and multiple jumping attractions at every venue - It doesn’t matter if you’ve never jumped on a trampoline before – you’ve got to try Asia Largest Trampoline Parks and experience the thrill of Defying Gravity. Come with your friends and/or your family and enjoy the thrill of flight at Malaysia’s ONLY indoor trampoline parks.
Jump Street Birthday Parties are unforgettable!
You can play all you like, but at some stage you’ve got to get serious.
JumpClub is Jump Street’s exciting Member program.
You can try out just about all the 9 attractions listed below with guidance from JumpStreet Instructors:
► 2 Dodgeball Courts
► Slam Dunk
► Main Court
► The Wall
► High Performance
► Tower Jump
► Foam Pit
► Battle Beam (Restricted to Kids Only)
Jump Street has hosted numerous small to large sized corporate groups and our Jump Referees are very experienced in handling large numbers of people. Each group will be assigned a Jump Referee to serve as your host, where he/she will be with you from the moment you arrive, during the checkin process, lead the warm-up and stretching and conduct the Basic Trampoline Skills lesson.
S/he will lead other Jump Referees to brief your team members on the rules of each activity, to keep score, and most importantly, they will ensure that each jumper jumps within their capabilities and are safe at all times.
Team menang dogdeball ye..huhuhu..kena masuk team pompuan..tapi ada orang tu out sebab CP baling bola hehehe
ReplyDeletesapa ntah.. hahaha
Deletetime dodge ball tula anak kami meratap hiba nak ke abi dia. stresss hemak hahahahaha
ReplyDeletekesian.. hehehe
Deleteada orang semput kan kat jump street tu hahaha
ReplyDeleteaikkk xde plak gambo geng gegirl main dodge ball ehehe
El cakap sapa tu? terasa gak hehehe
Deleteterasa tau.. hahaha
Deletesaya x terasa pun.. eh.. hahah
Delete(padahal mata dah gelap rasa macam nk pitam. hehe)
sesekali melompat seronok kan pha is...n ada tempat tertentu.
ReplyDeleteawat pegang dada phais..jantung nak luruh eak??
ReplyDeletePha Is sakitnya tuh di sini Murni hehe
DeleteHAHAHA.. btol tu CP..
jeles tgk entry2 hangpa..
ReplyDeletennti kita anjur event yg yui boleh join plak.. hehehe
DeleteAktiviti yang menyihatkan gak ni.. hehe.. ok la tu..
ReplyDeletehahaha.. pha is over. kahkah tunggu gambaq bahan !
ReplyDeleteboleh kurus kalau selalu jump ni
ReplyDeleteha ah.. mmg boleh kurus.. peluh jatuh menitik-nitik...
DeleteZumal kalau lompat kerap sure pengsan ^-^
ReplyDeletesaya pun hari tu dah nk pitam dah.. hehehe
DeleteSakit dada pasal apa tu
ReplyDeletesemput.. hehehe
Deletewalaupon penat tapi best gak
ReplyDeleteSeronok seronok tp kalau yg jenis berani la kot.
ReplyDeletex berani pun x pe.. sbb ada yg utk level budak2 punya.. boleh je buat yg tu.. hehehe
ReplyDeletebest tu.. ;)
ReplyDeletebleh tahan jugak harga dia yea...hmm....nnti ada kelapangan nk jugak pergi...rockstar burger tu pown, bru smlm smpai...hehehe....
ReplyDeleteamacam ? sedap x rockstarz tu..?
Deleteamacam ? sedap x rockstarz tu..?
Deleteseronknya lahai....
ReplyDeletehuhuhu.. Phais.. yang masuk video IG tu kat blog menarik..
ReplyDeletebuatla tutorial =)
alamak, dari dulu lagi teringat nk buat tutorial tu.,, tapi asyk terlupa.. hehehe..
DeleteBaru tahu ada tempat macam ni
ReplyDeletetp dah tutup dah..