talk to stranger

Baru dapat tau tentang sebuah site untuk sembang2 kosong dengan stranger. Totally stranger. So, aku pon try la masuk. Setelah cubaan yang ke berapa belas entah, akhirnya, dapat chat dengan budak kat bawah ni :   

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl ?
You: 22 m
Stranger: 21 f canda
You: malaysia
Stranger: from :) ?
Stranger: cool
You: no, its hot here
You: J
Stranger: haha lucky you
Stranger: i wish it was warm here :>
Stranger: my name is iman btw
You: muslim?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: is that a problem :S
You: i'm faiz
Stranger: ow
Stranger: so ur muslim too :)
You: indeed
You: so, muslim in canada?
Stranger: my parents are from algeria
Stranger: so we live here :(
You: i see..
Stranger: how is Malaysia like ?
You: most of us muslim
Stranger: cool :)
Stranger: and the others ?
You: we actually have 3 major races
You: malay (muslim) chinese (budhist) and indian (hindu)
Stranger: cool
Stranger: and you live in the same country :) with peace i guess
You: alhamdulillah...
Stranger: alhamd lilllah because that how muslims are
Stranger: the media talk crap about us but in the reality we are really good ppl
You: yup
You: why muslim always seen as terrorist
You: while we can live in peace
Stranger: hahah yes !
Stranger: so we can let ppl say what ever they say
Stranger: well faiz i will go cuz my mother is callin me okay :)
You: ok
Stranger: take good care of yourself
Stranger: salam :)
You: salam.. :)

Pha is

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  1. untunglah ko dpt budak baek, aku chat dulu dapat yang gatal cari popuan, aku cakap aku laki je terus disconnected

    1. hahaha. sama la aku pon.. ni yg ke berapa ntah, baru elok sikit... yg lain, sikit2, horny... sikit2 horny... meluat aku... hahaha

  2. cool?cold?lain maksud weyh..hahah..

    1. aku tahu la... ko ni.. x de sense of humor langsung la... haish.. mntang2 la ko tu bdk kos english profesional...

  3. Replies
    1. kalau bnasib baik je dapat yg "baik" mcm ni.. kbanyakannya merapu2 je... so, pandai2 la "bawak diri" bila masuk situ.. hehehe

  4. Salam.

    Kalau orang luar negara dan non muslim kita fahamlagi. Kadang masuk kat chatroom malaysia pun ada yang gatai miang. terus ignore dan send as spam.

    1. tu la pasal... dulu pnah try gak yg malaysia punya.. apa nama entah site tu... smuanya merapu2...
